Six Months Rebellion Music

Six Months Rebellion Music- Just Learn Guitar and We Take Care Of Your Needs We know learning instruments need passion and takes time to practice. With a full-time job you only have at night but get tired easily. Learning on Saturday and Sunday also needs to spare your holiday. Here we proposed a solution- distance learning, allows you to learn comfortably at home. We have a professional, international teaching team to provide flexible learning model from 9am to 9pm, Mon to Sun. They all have excellent communication skills in English, relevant certificates on instrument. Deliver easy-to-understand teaching to students. 詳情參考/ More info: 逆月音樂- 令學音樂更「反叛」,更自由自在。 我地知道學吉他/ukulele/貝斯需要長時間的努力,專注。身為上班一族的你想學,但係放工夜一夜去門市又好疲累;身為學生想係假日學習,老師好難就時間。轉用遙距教學可以解決呢D問題。 我地逆月音樂集合香港和世界各地自由工作者的老師,導師均有多年教學經驗和演出,亦有學位是專修樂器/和考獲樂器八級的老師提供一站式遙距學習服務,按你能力教相應的課程,並提供功課練習。 安坐在家中用電腦已經可以靈活上課,跟我們的導師預約便可,星期一至日,早上到晚上均可以上堂。 想學樂器輕鬆自在?搵我們逆月音樂預約40分鐘免費試堂吧!

Unit L2, 16/F, Block 1, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre, 152-160 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung , Tsuen Wan , Hong Kong (SAR) , Hong Kong (SAR) , 518000